North Carolina’s best kept secret…the Inner Banks.


Grab a paddleboard, kayak, or canoe and take a tranquil tour of the spectacular scenery along the Neuse River. Meander through our many creeks, streams, and estuaries. Relax you’re on Oriental time now…


The gorgeous Neuse River provides an incredible backdrop for you to explore the area. Fishing, kayaking, paddle boarding, and boating are just a few of the great ways to explore our slice of heaven. Contact Beth Frazer Real Estate & Rentals at (252) 249-1001 to plan your water excursion and explore the way it was meant to be seen — by water.

Constant breezes, sunny skies, and friendly people in an eclectic, coastal village where nary a stoplight is to be found. Welcome to Oriental. The home of the Dragon. Where registered boats out-number residents three-to-one, and where our days are planned around the wind…Oftentimes referred to as the Sailing Capital of North Carolina, our shores run parallel to the Intracoastal –the interstate-95 of the east coast waterway. No need to winterize your boat here. Locals and semi-locals enjoy extended sailing conditions with four distinct seasons. Seven miles across at its widest point, and with a wind velocity second only to San Francisco Bay, the Neuse makes an optimal sailing destination for those who love the water and casual, coastal living.
World-class fishing conditions await watermen and women alike who relish the sport. The Neuse River is where fresh waters meet salt waters, creating a variety of estuaries hosting Red Drum, Tarpon, Croaker, Channel Bass, Trout, Spanish Mackerel, and Spot just to name a few species. Enjoy saltwater fishing? Twenty-three nautical miles east of Oriental brings you to the boating community of Ocracoke Island, rich in history including the haunts of the legendary pirate, Blackbeard, unique eateries, and great art. The Gulf Stream lies 45 miles away where avid fishing enthusiasts are apt to find Bill Fish, Sail Fish, Grouper, Cobia, and Stripers aplenty.


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